tamboo 2022 workshops courses lectures


Tamboo Academy 2022 Calendar

Radiant Images Workshops. Tygress and Tyger Initiation. Therapeia Lectures.

Workshops are residential in Knysna and non-residential in Cape Town and Gauteng. Foundation workshops are for beginners and advanced students. Intermediate workshops have entry requirements. Foundation workshops are indicated *, Intermediate **.

A4 refers to studies in Archetypal Philosophy and Psychotherapy. They are open for students already part of this course.

Therapeia courses are online. These lectures are open to students from A4 study year onward.

Women’s Moon Tygress and Men’s Burning Tyger Initiation courses are open to all students. They are sequential, so start at the beginning. For more information, contact Bianca: bianca.m.rohrig@gmail.com

If you are new to this community and interested in the teachings, there are seven entry points to begin learning, indicated with *.

15-20: A4.1: Dionysus, Ritual and Initiation.
22-23: Therapeia 22.1: The Soul in Time and Eternity.
28-30: * Healing Fictions: Living Your Own Mythology.
12-19: ** Shaman 2: Dreaming the CrystalBody.
25-27: Moon Tygress 1: The Sapphire Gate.
04-06: Burning Tyger 1: The Heavens.
19-25: * The Hero Revisioned: Journey Without Goal.
02-03: Therapeia 22.2: The Language of Images.
09-14: A4.2: Mystery Schools in Modern Times.
22-24: Moon Tygress 2: The Ruby Gate.
29-01May: Burning Tyger 2: The Blood.
07-08: Therapeia 22.3: Psyche’s Strategic Submission.
04-05: A4.2b: Modern Mystery Schools (cont). 
11-12: Therapeia 22.4: Memory and the Imaginal Storehouse.
14-19: ** Creativity 1: The Display of Imagination.
30-03 July: * Divination: The Playful Heart.
09-10: Therapeia 22.5: The Precision of Ambiguity.
15-17: Moon Tygress 3: The Onyx Gate.
22-24: Burning Tyger 3: The Raven.
09-14: A4.3: The Katabasis: Disintegration and Rapture.
20-25: * Kadeisha 1: Tantra, Taoism, and Sacred Sexuality.
03: Focused Breath: Creation Mythology
10-11:Therapeia 22.6: The Perception of Uniqueness.
17-22: ** Creativity 2: Kinetic Stillness.
08-09: Therapeia 22.7: Signs, Symbols, and Archetypes.
15-22: * Shaman 1: Living the DreamingBody.
25-30: Moon Tygress 4: The Emerald Gate.
05-10: Burning Tyger 4: The Cypress.
12-13: Therapeia 22.8: The Weaving of Word and World.
19-24: A4.4: Archetypal Medicine and the Folly of Health.
26-30: Wildcat Walk. Tygress and Tyger Roam the Mountains.
02-04: * Mimir’s Well: Sourcing From the Imaginal.
10-11: Therapeia 22.9: Bodies, Becoming, and Being.
16-21: ** Kadeisha 2: Bonding, Taboo and the Art of Sacrifice.