Kadeisha 1: The Art of Conscious Loving

Joyful and satisfying sexual expression and a rich spiritual life are often thought of as mutually exclusive. The mystical traditions in every culture have shown us otherwise.

Kadeisha 1

Tantra, Taoism, & the Practice of Sacred Sexuality



The first part of the workshop explores the traditions that incorporate human sexual behaviour with spiritual practice and the basic techniques necessary for integrating these understandings into our daily lives. The Tantric scriptures of Vedanta and Buddhism, the conscious-sex practices of the Taoists and the mystical sexuality of the Kabbalists are explored. You will learn sexual breath exercises and energy locks. Medical views are considered along the evolution of male and female sexuality and contemporary knowledge alongside ancient teachings. In these ways, erotic energy is used to experience the sacred dimensions of life, love and sexuality.


The second part of the workshop develops the ability to live with Kadeisha consciousness. This includes different types of orgasms for men and for women and how to attain these. Exploring sexual awareness, body issues are looked at and the roots of sexual guilt and shame exposed. Entering the realms of fantasy and its interface with the limits of reality, you re-learn to use your senses in new ways. An important, revealing and exciting element of the journey is to understand the relevance of dominance and surrender as necessary parts of a mature and balanced sexuality. The movement to establishing an authentic sexual identity is an essential part of any meaningful loving.

This is an adult workshop. We do work with sexual energy, but raise these energies with appropriate boundaries. In this workshop, you will gain an understanding of Sacred Sex and have practical tools to move into more satisfying ways to express love, including sexual loving. You will have a greater awareness of your unique sexual character. This challenging and playful workshop will facilitate a deepening of your sexual, creative and spiritual practices.

Foundation Level Workshop. 7 days. Residential. Homework. Preparation.