tamboo means
‘tamboo’ means something that is rare, precious and valuable.
The word was used in the late 19th century by the Xhosa people of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. It was recorded that, from the middle of the 19th century, glass beads and other items were traded by the earliest European settlers in exchange for cattle and other provisions. These beads, especially the largest red ones, were highly valued and were initially worn only by the chiefs and their wives. These beads were called ‘tamboo‘, meaning ‘something special and valuable’. Although rare, examples of those earliest beads may be seen in African Art collections around the country.
The word is related to the Nguni word tambo, which means ‘head of cattle’. In traditional African society, cattle are a primary resource for physical wealth, emotional health and spiritual well-being. They play a part on every level of an integrated material and ritual life. Tambo is thus something that is both tangibly manifest and at the same time a symbol and an expression of higher values.
We believe that the experiences in the workshops, the teachings in the study courses, the deepening in the psychotherapy and embodied joy in the practices, under the umbrella of Tamboo, are also something special and valuable. Although rare, authentic conscious living is also both physically manifest and at the same time allows for the expression of our highest spiritual values. Tamboo offers a comprehensive and extensive programme of learning the art and practice of living consciously.