Workshop Analysis Programme
The facilitator’s workshop analysis is an extra day, usually following the three-day workshops, where senior students and therapists sit around, enjoy good food and company and gossip and laugh at what went on at the workshop.
More seriously, the purpose is to train you to facilitate workshops and to be better therapists and for you to learn the imaginal and intuitive dialogues that are essential part of those crafts. We will discuss all aspects of the completed workshop, especially for those who plan now or in the future to be facilitators of these and eventually other ‘entry-level’ workshops, and also for current or future therapists, who will get useful insights and practical tools to use in their practices.
The logistics of how to run a workshop – getting the right space and music and all other practical matters, legal agreements, expenses, client payments, what you will earn and how to calculate this, getting clients, advertising and promotions, back-up for your own and your clients’ processes, access to therapists for those who might want to do further work are also part of our discussions during our time together.
We will examine, analyse and debate the various ideas and processes that make up the content of the workshop, discuss what could be added or ignored and how much information to offer when presenting this or any material, how to deal with the numerous processes and complexes that arise – theirs and our own -, what happened and how and why we dealt with or answered that particular person in that particular way, how to do breathwork and other body-based processes, how to deal with drawings, feedback, small groups and group dynamics, how to prepare yourselves and anything else that arrives for discussion.
How very exciting!!