Nan Hamilton McAughey
Nan is theatrical. Sometimes in the good sense. A Masters Degree in drama set the stage for a love of ritual and dance. Nan has little patience with drama queens. She prefers to be king. Nan then applied her skill in manipulation to body work and Jin Shin Jyutsu healing methods and those talents found their execution in Archetypal therapies, ConsciousBody healing work and image-based arts.
Nan’s performance is delightful in the melodrama with her daughter, skillful in the comedy with her husband, and accomplished in the romance with her garden. She excels in her role as chef and hostess and is acclaimed in her part as the wild-haired therapist guiding her moon-struck patients through their psychic initiations. She likes tickling the piano, feasting erotically, walking in the mountains, chocolate and drinking beer in the sun. Sometimes she thinks she is a movie.
Nan is a practicing Imaginal and ConsciousBody Therapist. Her particular interests include the erotic dialogue between body and imagination, the beauty of precision in creative narratives and Aidos as a pathway to the Divine.
Nan works primarily in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town.
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