Tamboo Academy 2025 Calendar
Experiential Workshops. Study Courses. Tyger Initiation. Therapeia Lectures.
If you are new to this community and interested in the teachings, there are entry points to begin your learning, indicated with *.
Foundation workshops * are for beginners and advanced students. Intermediate workshops ** have entry requirements.
A1 & A3 refer to foundation and intermediate studies in Archetypal Philosophy and Psychotherapy.
The A1 is a continuous study year. Courses are held in Cape Town and Knysna, as indicated.
The Burning Tyger Men’s Initiation series is sequential and open to all men on application.
Therapeia courses are online. Lectures are open to anyone interested in depth studies of Archetypal psychology and philosophy.
MA (Mastery of Arts) workshops are residential and online. These courses are open to students after their A4 study year.
All Workshops are residential in Knysna unless indicated. ‘3-day’ means 3 nights over 4 days etc, easy to figure out.
For more information on anything here, contact tygress@tamboo.co.za . Explore details and related readings on this website.
25-26: Therapeia 25.1: Living the Blues: The Soul of Depression and Anxiety. Online studies.
20-23: *A1.1: Psychotherapy and Serving the Soul. 3-day.
28-02 March: *Burning Tyger 1: The Heavens. Weekend. Cape Town.
11-16: A3.1: Memory and the Mysteries of the Great Mother. 5-day.
22-23: Therapeia 25.2: Black and Blue. Online studies.
04-06: *Inner Lovers: The Art of Intimacy. Weekend. Cape Town.
26-02 May: *Shaman 1: Living the DreamingBody. 6-day.
10-15: MA3: Meditations on Anima: The Life of Eve. 5-day.
24-25: Therapeia 25.3: Married to the Blues. Online studies.
06-08: Burning Tyger 2: The Blood. Weekend. Cape Town.
27-29: A1.2: Dreams, Madness and Internal Dialogues. Weekend. Cape Town.
04-06:*Healing Fictions: Living Your Own Mythology. Weekend. Cape Town.
15-20: **Creativity 1: The Display of Imagination. 5-day.
26-27: Therapeia 25.4: A Blue Note. Online studies.
01-03: Burning Tyger 3: The Raven. Weekend. Cape Town.
09-14: * Kadeisha 1: The Devotions of Sacred Loving. 5-day.
22-24: A1.3: Intimacy, Addictions and Sexual Crises. Weekend. Cape Town.
13-18: MA4: Meditations on Anima: The Beauty of Helen. 5-day.
27-28: Therapeia 25.5: Singing the Blues. Online studies.
03-05: *Relationships: The Outer Lovers. Weekend. Cape Town.
11-16: **Shaman 2: Dreaming the Crystal Body. 6-day.
21-26: A1.4: The Soul Speaks: Pathology and the Art of Imagination. 5-day.
01-06: Burning Tyger 4: The Cypress. 5-day.
11-16: A3.2: The Family That Preys Together: Mom, Dad, Oedipus and Incest. 5-day.
22-23: Therapeia 25.6: The Blue Bird of Happiness. Online studies.
05-07: *Mimir’s Well: Theatre as Therapy. Weekend. Cape Town.
16-21: **Kadeisha 2: Bonding, Taboo and the Art of Sacrifice. 5-day.